Approaches For Severe And Treatment-Resistant Depression

For many people with depression, a combination of psychotherapy and various classes of mental health medications can improve symptoms or even allow them to achieve remission. After traditional treatment approaches, some people still struggle with severe depression. There are a few remaining options that may help those with severe and treatment-resistant depression. Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) ECT is an older method of treating depression. When ECT was first developed, it was widely used for depression and other mental illnesses.

Is Chemotherapy The Only Option For Cancer Treatment?

Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment that uses drugs to kill cancer cells. While chemotherapy can be effective in treating cancer, it also comes with a number of side effects, including nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and fatigue. That’s why many people turn to other cancer-supported treatments as they recover, including alternative cancer treatments. What Are Alternative Cancer Support Treatments? Alternative cancer support treatments can help to reduce or eliminate the side effects of chemotherapy and other traditional cancer treatments, such as radiation therapy, while still providing symptom-fighting benefits.

These Pediatric Sports Injuries Require Emergency Care

If your child plays sports, you know the worry of watching every trip and fall. You are always watching to make sure your child gets up and gets back to playing. In cases that they hesitate, you might be worried about what may have happened. Unfortunately, many children with sports injuries require emergency care. These are some of those injuries that might warrant a trip to pediatric emergency care. Fractures

4 Inspiring Reasons To Seek Drug Addiction Help

When you are struggling with drug addiction, it can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You may even feel like you are stuck in a dark place with no way out, but that’s not true! There are many reasons to seek drug addiction treatment, and when you do, you will be able to make the most of your life. Here are four inspiring reasons to get started today.

Important Reasons To See Your Primary Care Doctor On A Regular Basis

It can be easy to take your good health for granted when you feel well and can walk and move without difficulties. However, your good health can quickly deteriorate if you do not take care of it. To ensure you remain as healthy as possible, you need to have it monitored regularly. You can enlist the services of your primary care doctor to safeguard your wellness and get an early diagnosis for treatable illnesses.

Seven Things Not To Do After You've Been Diagnosed With Multiple Sclerosis

Being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis can be difficult. However, it’s important to avoid mistakes after your diagnosis that make the situation worse. The following are seven things not to do after you’ve been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Communicating only sporadically with your doctor It’s essential for multiple sclerosis patients to communicate openly with their doctor about any symptoms they’re having. Being engaged regarding your treatment and asking questions helps you to stay as comfortable and healthy as possible despite having multiple sclerosis.