Are You Battling Fibroids But too Young for a Hysterectomy? What Are Your Options?
While few women look forward to getting their menstrual periods, for those suffering from fibroids, this time of the month can involve much more pain. When these dense uterine tumors are triggered by the estrogen and progesterone naturally produced by your body during your menstrual cycle, they can grow rapidly—pressing into the walls of your uterus to cause constipation, lower back pain, and other distressing symptoms. Fortunately, there are a number of relatively non-invasive treatment options that can give you your life back.
Understanding The Treatment Options For Adrenal Cancer
When you go to the doctor and find out that you have adrenal cancer, you may find yourself unsure of how to react or proceed. Because the adrenal glands are a part of the body that most people do not think about on a daily basis, it can be difficult to consider the impact that these two small glands can have on your overall health. However, once you are able to wrap your mind around your diagnosis, the next step will be to determine a course of treatment and get started.
Immunotherapy For Allergies: What You Should Know About Allergy Shots
When you discover that you are suffering from allergies and your doctor recommends immunotherapy as a form of treatment, you may find yourself feeling unsure of how the process will go and how these allergy injections will help you with your severe allergy symptoms and discomfort. Before you allow your uncertainty to make you overly worried or cause you to skip treatments, get to know some of the important facts about the immunotherapy process and how it will affect you.
4 Things You Need To Know About Erythrasma
Erythrasma is a bacterial skin infection that affects the folds of the skin or areas where your skin rubs together. Here are four things you need to know about this infection. What are the symptoms of erythrasma? The main symptom of this infection is discoloration of the skin. The infected skin will take on a reddish-brown color and may look swollen or slightly raised above the level of the surrounding skin.
How to Prepare for an Allergy Test
If you suspect that you have allergies, it could be extremely beneficial for you to get allergy testing done. If you sneeze excessively, get sinus infections every year, or have itching in your ears and throat, there is a good chance that you have an indoor or outdoor allergy or a combination of the two. If you feel sick or bloated, get a skin rash, or your throat itches after eating, you may have an intolerance to certain foods.
The Benefits And Uses Of Infusion Therapy
Infusion therapy is the administration of physician-prescribed medications through a needle or catheter when a patient cannot be treated effectively by oral routes. Infusion therapy is commonly given to patients with cancer, intense pain, gastrointestinal diseases or disorders, and to those with infections that are unresponsive to oral antibiotics. Other conditions that can be treated by infusion therapy include diabetes, metabolic disorders, cardiovascular disease, congestive heart failure, hemophilia, high-risk pregnancy, and many other diseases and conditions.
3 Tips For Maximizing Your Child's Response To Vaccinations
One of the main reasons that you should take your child in for well child check ups is to keep them up to date on their immunizations. From the time thechild is born to 6 years of life, there is a schedule at which they should receive their vaccinations. Many parents wonder what they should do to prepare for vaccinations, and how to make sure that the vaccines are effective and safe.
What To Expect After A C-Section
After getting a C-section, also known as a Cesarean section, you are going to require some assistance at home because you will be both overwhelmed and sore. If you do not have family members who can offer you support, you may need to hire some assistance. Unfortunately, you will need to recover and maintain a low level of activity for a period of time. Recovering from this type of birth is not easy, but not impossible.
Weight Tips: 4 Natural Weight Loss Suggestions & How They May Help
Losing weight is not a simple endeavor; your weight lost specialist is vital to your goal, and you can also use use any extra help that he or she may approve of. The following are 4 natural weight loss solutions that may help you get closer to your goals quicker. 1. Licorice Root The first herb that you may want to consider is natural and organic licorice root, which you can purchase online or in your local health food store.
What To Expect During Rehab
You’ve been on a downward spiral with drugs or alcohol for years now, but now it’s time for you to get your life in order. If you feel the need to detox and get a fresh start, or are compelled by family or even a judge, rehab is a great place to start. Many of us have heard of rehab before but don’t quite understand what goes in behind closed doors. No one who has never been to rehab can truly understand the experience.
Easing Your Bladder Discomfort While Ungeroing A Sonogram
Most women will experience getting a sonogram, or ultrasound, during the early part of their pregnancy. Preparing for the sonogram involves drinking several ounces of water an hour before the procedure so images and ultrasound waves can be caught most effectively. If you are worried about the discomfort of having a full bladder on top of the pressure you feel from your growing baby, there are ways you can ease your discomfort while waiting for and undergoing your sonogram.
Therapy Options to Help Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
As soon as your child receives a diagnosis of autism or a spectrum disorder, it’s important that you start scheduling therapy appointments and psychiatric counseling right away. The sooner you get intervention, the better your chances of helping your child to develop some of those lacking skills, including social, developmental, and behavioral abilities. Here are some common types of therapy that may prove beneficial for your child. Developmental Developmental therapies focus on teaching kids about necessary life skills and how to put them into practice.