Everything You Need To Know About Stem Cell Therapy For Knee Pain

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common diseases that develops in older adults. As the cartilage that cushions your joints wears away over time, you're left with painful joints that swell and make many of your favorite activities more difficult. Arthritis can affect any part of your body, but many sufferers first begin to feel its effects in their knees.

While there's no cure for osteoarthritis, there are many treatment options that can remove or reduce your symptoms. One of the most promising treatment options is stem cell injections. Here are four things you should know about stem cell therapy for knee pain:

1. It can prevent the need for a knee replacement.

A knee replacement is usually the last resort in arthritis treatment. It's a very invasive procedure, and the healing process can be long and difficult. If you're suffering from severe arthritis, stem cell therapy could prevent you from needing knee surgery.

2. It can utilize your own stem cells.

Some people are wary of stem cell therapy because they're concerned about the ethics of harvesting stem cells from donors. However, stem cell therapy can utilize your own stem cells. In order to retrieve stem cells, your doctor will remove some of your bone marrow or fat tissue. Stem cells are removed from these samples, then injected into your arthritic knees.

3. It can reverse tissue damage.

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, stem cell therapy can stimulate the growth of cartilaginous tissue. Since osteoarthritis occurs when your own natural cartilage is worn away, cartilage regrowth can actually reverse the effects of arthritic tissue damage in your body. This can reduce or eliminate the need for other arthritis medication and provide you with a higher quality of life.

4. It will allow you to return to the activities you love.

Many people eventually quit doing activities they love due to arthritis pain. Running, hiking, and gardening can seem nearly impossible when your knees are hurting you. Fortunately, many patients found that they were able to return to sports and other physical practices after their stem cell treatment. Now, you don't have to accept a life without your favorite hobbies

If you're suffering from knee pain due to arthritis, ask your doctor about stem cell treatment. This treatment is minimally invasive, and it can yield tremendous results for anyone dealing with moderate to severe arthritis pain. Make an appointment with your doctor and find out if you're a candidate for knee pain stem cell treatment.
