Tips for Staying Lice Free

If you are a parent of children in the elementary-school or middle-school age range, you may have received a call, email, or text telling you that one of the children in the class has been found to have lice and that your child was checked to see whether the lice had spread. This can be stressful because the last thing that you want to deal with during the busy school year is to have to figure out how to get lice out of your child's hair as well as out of everything that your child's hair might have touched in your home that could still be harboring lice. Here are some tips for helping your home stay lice free.

1. Don't Let Your Children Try on Hats at Stores

The first thing that you need to do is make sure that your children know that it is unacceptable to try hats on at stores. The reason for this is that lots of kids are going to be trying on hats, and odds are that one of them is going to have lice. The lice can live in the hat and then make the jump to your children's scalps. Should you buy a hat from the store for your children, keep it tightly wrapped in a plastic bag and then put it immediately into the dryer at a very high heat. This will not damage the hat but will kill any lice that might be living there.

2. Discourage Sharing Brushes or Combs

The other thing that you should do is discourage your child from sharing brushes, combs, or picks with their friends. To solve this issue, make sure that your child always has access to a comb or a brush by buying each child his or her own and putting them in a special bag in his or her backpack. Talk to your children about how combs and brushes are just as personal as a toothbrush and how they wouldn't share a toothbrush with their friends.

3. Use Lavender Oil

Consider using lavender oil in your home regularly in order to help ward off lice and discourage them from invading. This will help reduce the chances that the lice will stay long if they come to your home. 

For more information or for help with getting rid of lice, talk to a pest-control or hair company that specializes in lice-removal services.  
