Tips to Combat Common Skin-Aging Problems
When it comes to addressing the signs of aging, it's important that you're attentive to the condition of your skin. The skin is one of the first places where you'll likely see those early aging signs, but you can combat them with a little bit of proactive care. Here's a look at some of the things you should know about caring for your skin to protect it from damage caused by aging.
Opt for Gentle Cleaners
Some of the oldest beliefs about skin care include recommendations like giving your skin a good scrub to eliminate contaminants deep in your pores. However, scrubbing hard can be abrasive to your skin, and the use of regular soap will dry it out. To avoid drying, cracking, and irritation, opt for a gentle facial cleanser instead. When you use a foaming facial cleanser or something similar, you can get your face clean without damaging it.
Remember the Importance of Hydration
Your body is made of a large percentage of water and relies on a consistent supply to stay hydrated properly. That hydration is just as important to your skin, if not more so. In fact, the routine exposure can cause your skin to dry out easily, so you need to be proactive about not just drinking water but also applying moisturizers. If your skin is sensitive or is problematically dry, choose an enriched moisturizer that has omega-3 fatty acids for even more benefits.
Don't Resign Yourself to Dealing With Age Spots
The name "age spots" alone often leaves people believing that these skin discolorations are an expected part of aging. The truth is that they are usually caused by prolonged or accumulated sun exposure. That's part of why they often appear in older adults. However, getting them is not a guarantee. You can avoid age spots by protecting your skin with sunblock, and you can even treat them with anti-aging treatments from your dermatologist.
Look into Antioxidant Treatments
Since your skin is exposed to free radicals in the environment at all times, it's a good idea to talk with an anti-aging specialist about antioxidant treatments. The creams have high antioxidant saturation, so your skin gets the benefits of antioxidants directly every time you apply one of these creams. You can also increase your consumption of antioxidants in your diet to enhance that benefit. The antioxidants help you reduce inflammation caused by the free radicals.
As you can see, there are many things you can do to minimize the effects of time on your skin. Talk with a professional such as Southwest Anti-Aging Clinic today to find out what the best options are for you based on your unique skin condition.